PUBLISHED 28 Aug 2019
CATEGORY: Organisational Culture , Workplace Culture

To-Dos Before Relocating for Work


In today’s hyper-connected world, more and more people are willing to relocate for work. Some would move to another city, while others have no problem going abroad.

Granted, relocating to another country is a bigger step than moving from one city to another, but the process doesn’t differ that much. Here’s a list of things you should do before deciding to relocate.

Organise Your Belongings

In a list of things to consider when relocating to another country or another city for work, it should always start with organising your belongings. Moving, especially to another country, can be very stressful. Therefore, good organisation is essential.

You should carefully pack your belongings, preferably in labelled boxes. This will make the unpacking process a lot easier and you’ll minimise the chance of losing something important.

Pack non-essentials first and save the everyday items for last. This way, you can avoid the pressure of packing in a rush.

Manage Your Time

As important as it is to keep your belongings organised, it is equally crucial to keep your time organised. Relocating for work is no walk in the park and it is easy to lose track of time and daily duties.

To remedy this, you should create clear daily regimens at least a few days in advance. Jot them down or use your mobile calendar or note apps, and set alarms or reminders to help you follow up. Remember to check off the tasks as you complete them.

A clear timeline will significantly minimise stress.

Build Your Support Network

No list of relocation tips would be complete without this one. It is necessary to surround yourself with supportive and positive people as you make your move. They can lift your spirits and lend a helping hand; you can consider delegating some tasks to friends and family who are willing to help.

You can also check if your new company has a club or social media channels you can join to meet future colleagues. It doesn’t hurt to start building connections ahead of time.

Scout the Area

Whether you’re moving to another city or country, it is essential to scout the area you’re moving to. First, check how safe your future city and neighbourhood are, and learn the emergency phone numbers in advance.

Next, check the prices and costs of living there to ensure certain expectations are met. Food, petrol and daily necessities are a good place to start.

You will also want to see what your future neighbourhood has in store. Perhaps a cinema or marketplace is nearby, or if you’re moving with children, you might want to lookup nearby schools

Be sure to pin down points of interest in your area before you actually move. That way, you’ll start with the upper hand and won’t need as much time to adapt to the new environment.

Define Your Budget

After scouting the area, you will want to draw up a budget that will keep you set at least for the first few months.
Having a clearly structured and defined financial plan will help you keep track of your expenses. This information will also come in handy if you’re ever faced with another relocation.

Check Out Rent Prices

Choosing a place to stay is probably arduous of all your tasks, and much research is needed.
Your best bet is to search through trusted local renting agencies. That way you’ll minimise the chances of getting ripped off or evicted in unforeseen circumstances. However, take the associated rates and fees of engaging an agency into consideration, as well.

If you’re having trouble finding one, you can ask your company to recommend you a real estate agency. Tip – Don’t sign a long-term contract right away if you don’t have to, in case you want to move elsewhere for better reasons.

See What Assistance Your Future Company Offers

Of course, you should coordinate your moving activities with your future company. Before moving, there are some relocation questions to ask your employer. If you’re not offered upfront, you should ask whether you’re eligible for a relocation package. Many companies have them, but they are not advertised.

Companies are often willing to negotiate the terms. If so, some additional questions to ask about relocation package should include the terms of financial assistance, physical assistance, and other perks and benefits.
If the terms are right, companies may also offer to help with moving costs, putting your house up for sale, or subsidising rent and utility bills.

Good Luck!

Relocating for work is a big move and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Weigh all the pros and cons beforehand and come up with a good and tight game plan. Don’t shy away from help if you can get it, and try to negotiate the best terms for your relocation package with your future employer wherever applicable.