PUBLISHED 31 Jan 2017

The benefits of flexible workspaces (that you wouldn't think of)


As our Compass 2016 poll revealed, workers in APAC value flexibility over almost anything else. Flexible workspaces, a policy that allows employees to work where and when convenient to them, is a modern approach to the unbending 9 to 6 (or later in Asia) traditional, corporate schedule. Professionals nowadays – especially those of the millennial cohort – need environments that fit their needs and lifestyle. But it’s not just a boost of morale to employees, it’s also beneficial to companies, small or big. Here are the benefits a flexible workspace can bring to your organization – some that might surprise you given the nature.

It can actually create a more connected culture

Many employers might be nervous of a flexible workspace system being abused. However, flexible workspaces help create a sense of belonging and connectivity and can actually motivate employees to stay on rather than sign off the second “set” work hours are over. New technology makes working remotely seamless. With so many tools to stay in touch, free tools like Slack allows easy group chatting and makes it uncomplicated for staff to dial in and keep updated. Gone are the days of picking up the phone and dialing in to attend a conference call. Free apps like Google Hangouts or Skype make it easy to connect. In the same way, it used to be necessary to go into the office to sign legal documents. Now you can sign papers online in a secure manner, making it unnecessary to trek back and forth if time does not permit.

In an environment where there are constantly new roles being created, freelancers, full-time, contract employees and clients can all feel the same sense of belonging.

Freelancers and employees alike can find what they’re looking for in a flexible workspace, as it can be possible for them to drop by and tune in without feeling awkward and out of place. Creating an environment where there are constantly a set of people with different positions and projects in the same space makes it interesting to go to work everyday.

Flexible workspaces can increase creativity in the workforce and motivate employees.

People aren’t one size fits all, and a task can be performed using different methods. There’s a theory from American psychologist Howard Gardner that there are 9 types of intelligence – naturalist, musical, logical-mathematical, existential, interpersonal, bodily kinesthetic and linguistic – and each type thrives in a different type of environment. Allowing staff to have more flexibility at work, whether it’s coming in a bit later or working outside in the park, can maximize into each person’s unique methodology. Having a flexible workspace can give staff a sense of autonomy, freedom and a way to spice up their mundane routine.